
Kate Elliott new CMR tutor

Introducing Kate Elliott our new Compassionate Mindful Resilience course tutor

Meet Kate Elliott our new Compassionate Mindful Resilience tutor. This course is designed to support those who care for others.Ā  As a single adoptive mum, to a lovely little girl who experienced neglect in her early childhood, I feel so lucky to have mindfulness as a tool to navigate the challenges that parenting a child with developmental trauma throws in the way.Ā Ā 

Angie Ward

Angie Ward’s experience of easing out of lockdown

In this video Angie Ward, our Head of Teacher Training, explains her experiences of coming out of lockdown.

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Interview with Karen Atkinson, author of ā€˜Compassionate Mindful Inquiry in Therapeutic Practiceā€™

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Welcome to Anna Taylor….

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