
Is your mind your friend and how mindfulness can help you.

Is your mind your friend?

When I started mindfulness practices I was constantly being told, and then told myself, that my mind was a ‘distraction’, something that would inevitably interrupt my practice and something I had to guard against.  Without realising it I had set up an oppositional relationship with my mind, at least as far as practice was concerned. This isn’t helpful!

Tidal wave

How mindfulness can help you when feeling overwhelmed.

I work with leaders and managers in many differing types of organisations but one comment I hear regularly, from all levels is “I am overwhelmed!”. This has been common for many years but I think this may be yet another fall-out from Covid which is exacerbating this issue.

Bernie Leonard - IMC Graduate

The power of mindfulness

After successfully graduating from the Integrated Mindfulness and Compassion Qualification by MindfulnessUK in October 2017, as a qualified teacher of mindfulness and compassion, I was on a mission to fully utilise all the skills I’d acquired from over the last two decades in the world of education and devise a comprehensive ‘Mindfulness for Life Tool Box’.


Eco anxiety: A compassionate mindful perspective

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The Perfect Present by Donna Negus (IMC graduate)

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